Trump Doesn’t Care About Your Healthcare

Patrick Jennings
5 min readJan 10, 2024

Whatever Problems You Think Our Healthcare System Has, Trump and The Republicans Don’t Have The Solution

“We’re gonna fight for much better care than Obamacare. Obamacare is a catastrophe, nobody talks about it. Without John McCain we would have had it done. John McCain, for some reason, couldn’t get his arm up that day.” Donald Trump, January 6th, while speaking at a campaign event in Iowa.

Donald Trump just can’t stop talking about his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. Last month he said he was “seriously looking at alternatives” to Obamacare.

No, he isn’t.

He does not have an alternative healthcare plan and he’s not interested in creating one. He just wants you to believe the healthcare you have sucks. And it sucks because of Obama.

But if he becomes President again he will do nothing to help improve the healthcare you receive. Or to make good healthcare more affordable.

nurses(which we desperately need to do). He is not going to require pharmaceutical companies to lower drug prices in exchange for the publicly financed scientific research they use to develop new and profitable products.

Nothing will change for the better in the existing healthcare system if he becomes President again. Because Trump isn’t interested…



Patrick Jennings

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