Shameless Nikki Haley Knows Pardoning Donald Trump Won’t Unite The Country

You Can’t Unite The Country By Pandering Just To The MAGA Crowd

Patrick Jennings
4 min readFeb 19, 2024


I’ll give Nikki Haley credit for one thing — she isn’t a quitter. She continues her Republican primary campaign even though she is trailing Donald Trump by more than 30% in her home state.

The problem is, in her desperation, she is offering some dangerous ideas. Like the idea that pardoning Trump will “bring the country back together again”.

Let’s start by stating the obvious. The questioner was a plant and Haley knew what he was going to ask. They knew each other, and she greeted him with “Hi John”.

Haley wanted to have this softball served up because she had a message for MAGA voters that she knew they’d love.

Let’s break down what she said and see if it makes any sense.

I believe in the best interest of bringing the country together, I would pardon Donald Trump.

Pardoning Trump would bring the country together only if people across the political spectrum were asking for it. But they’re not. This promise is meant to appeal only to Trump supporters. Haley wants…



Patrick Jennings

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